Royal Rangers and Girls Ministries
Ages 3 to middle school are able to sign up! This is a great program that shows who God is, who Jesus is, and who we are in Jesus.
Heart Check
Heart check-youth and young adults event but it’s open for all of the congregation! 2-7-25 at 7 pm with special guest Allie Joy.
Mid Week Gatherings
The youth and young adults will be joining royal rangers and girl ministries on Wednesdays! Meet at 6:30 at small chapel to worship
Then separate in age groups- high school and young adults
There will no weekly Friday services, but we’ll have special events once a month on the first Friday of the month!
School of Music
We will start a school of music mid February.
Please sign up by clicking the link below. The first classes are for music theory so they’re so important! Each class will have a weekly cost of $25 of $20 if you’d like to commit to the 6 months. Classes will start Tuesday February 18th at 6:30 pm.
Water Baptisms
Taking the next step is so important in our walk as Christians. Get Baptized this upcoming Sunday, February 16th. Click the button below to sign up today!
Women’s Bible Study
Ladies, join us Thursday February 20th at 6:30 PM! Bring a friend!
Cena de Gala
21 de Febrero, noche de GALA! No te lo pierdas!
Marriage Hour
Date night in Paradise Buffet. Don’t miss out the time of fellowship Friday, February 28th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. See you there!
Conferencia de Mujeres 2025 (Sur)
¡Esta conferencia de un día es tu oportunidad de invitar a una amiga a una experiencia que le cambiará la vida! Diseñada pensando en mujeres que no asisten a ninguna iglesia, nuevas creyentes y líderes experimentadas, "marcada” combina diversión alegre con momentos guiados por el Espíritu Santo para inspirar, transformar y acercar los corazones a Jesús. No te pierdas de esta oportunidad para crecer, conectarte y prosperar. Invita a tus amigas y ¡vámonos marcadas por Su Espíritu y listas para vivir Su propósito!
Women's Spring Conference
This one-day conference is your chance to invite a friend to a life-changing experience! Designed with unchurched women, new believers, and seasoned leaders in mind, "marked" blends lighthearted fun with Holy Spirit-led moments to inspire, transform, and lead hearts closer to Jesus. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow, connect, and thrive. Invite your friends, and let’s walk away Marked by His Spirit and ready to live out His purpose!