Day 5: Friday, January 10
"To Each According to His Ability"
by Pastor Daniel
Matthew 25:15 (NIV84) To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey.
In this powerful illustration, our Lord Jesus reveals to us the wisdom and justice of God. He understands our capabilities, limitations, and strengths—He knows us deeply!
Each of us has received talents and abilities that God has placed in our lives. It is crucial for us to recognize our responsibility in managing these gifts, whether they are in the form of skills, time, or material resources. The important thing to remember is that God has given us something valuable, which should hold significant weight in our hearts.
I often encounter people who compare themselves to others and question God: “Why haven't You given me, what You gave to someone else?” Some may even feel that God has made a mistake, thinking, "I'm not capable; I don't have what it takes." However, if we remain connected to the Holy Spirit, God will equip us with supernatural wisdom to be entrepreneurial and bear fruit in our lives. We can become active and courageous individuals, but to achieve this, we must step out of our comfort zones.
Action of the Day: God expects multiplication in every area of your life. To achieve this, we must have a firm determination to be fruitful and see tangible results!
Don't get distracted by what others are doing. Focus on being more productive and seek the will of the Lord.
Today is the time to shed the fears that have been paralyzing us and start working harder than ever for our Lord in every area where He has given you the ability.
Today is an excellent day to cry out to the Lord for supernatural wisdom so that you can be fruitful, productive, and entrepreneurial in His work. Amen!