Day 8: Monday, January 13 -

“Be Wise and Guard Your Heart”

(Juan Gálvez)
January 2025

Proverbs 4:23-24 tells us: "Guard your heart with all diligence, for it is the source of life. 24 Put away perverse mouths and false lips far from you."

In biblical terms, the heart refers to the inner life of a person. Proverbs instructs us to make wisdom a vital part of our lives.

The heart is the place where all thoughts, feelings, and choices originate. It is crucial to fill our hearts with words of wisdom because all our thoughts, words, and decisions stem from the heart.

Verses 23-24 urge us to present our whole being to God: our hearts, mouths, lips, eyes, and feet. God begins His work in the inner man and then moves outward.

The heart comes first. It speaks of our inner life, including our minds, thoughts, motives, and desires. The mind is the fountain from which our actions spring. If the fountain is pure, the stream that flows from it will also be pure. "As a man thinks, so is he."

Therefore, this verse highlights the importance of maintaining a life filled with clean thoughts. Mark 7:21-23 states, "For from within, out of a man's heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder..."

Action for the Day: Learn to Guard Your Heart
Guarding our hearts involves protecting and preserving them from everything that can harm or corrupt us. It means being aware of our emotions, thoughts, and desires, and making decisions aligned with biblical principles and moral values.

Guarding our hearts requires vigilance against external influences and filtering them out to protect our relationship with God and prevent harm to ourselves or others.

When we guard our hearts, we take responsibility for being stewards of our own lives and seek fulfillment that can only be found in a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus.

Brothers: Juan & Estela Gálvez