Day 12 Friday, January 17
“As Astute as a Serpent, Gentle as a Dove.”
Pastor Daniel
Matthew 10:16 (GW) 16 “I’m sending you out like sheep among wolves. So be as cunning as snakes but as innocent as doves.
We are halfway through our 21 days of fasting and prayer, and I want to encourage you to be alert to the great blessing coming from Almighty God.
In today’s text, Jesus challenges us to open our spiritual eyes and our sense of direction. The mission, as described in verse 8, is to preach the Gospel, heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons. It is a complex task, but you can accomplish it in the name of Jesus and through the Holy Spirit.
Jesus’ command is not to camouflage ourselves as undercover agents, but to remain as sheep. In Greek, the word sheep denotes an animal that always moves forward. We must understand that we are in this world, but we do not belong to it. Therefore, as sheep, we need to recognize who our Shepherd is (John 10:3). We must listen to His voice, follow His commands, and trust that He will protect us from the traps of the enemy wolves.
Being a sheep means that you are different, consecrated, and possess great potential. You are not cheap or common, but extraordinary. (Preaching, healing, expelling demons).
While some may wish to live in a bubble to avoid contact with the outside world, Jesus sends us on a mission that is entirely possible. This mission involves three critical points:
Being a sheep: remaining docile, sensitive, and prudent. I encourage you to read Acts 8:32.
Being as shrewd as a serpent: This does not mean attacking your brothers in Christ, but defending yourself from wolves. The term “shrewdness” means being shrewd in actions, intelligent, creative, and able to outdo others. It is important not to focus too much on the word “like a serpent,” but on the concept of cunning. This means that the Lord seeks creativity and sensitivity in us, because we must know how to take advantage of every opportunity that is presented to us. It is worth noting that the word “cunning” is also translated as wisdom. In Matthew 7:24, the wise are those who listen to the words of Jesus and put them into practice.
Stay docile, which also means innocent and pure: In the original sense, this means being free from evil and maintaining your purity.
May these days of fasting be a great opportunity to begin a life of purity and holiness in the presence of the Lord (Romans 16:19) so that we can fulfill the task that Jesus entrusted to us: preach, heal, cleanse and cast out demons.
Action of the day:
Jesus sends us to a hostile world and we are called to make a difference. Today is a great day to rise above mediocrity and declare, “I am the Son of God, washed and redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ.” I encourage you to demonstrate Jesus Christ with your actions. Learn to listen to His voice and obey it, for that is wisdom.
If you feel intimidated by your surroundings, ask the Lord for wisdom and cunning, not for evil, but to avoid all threats to your life, your family, and your church. Don’t let anyone steal from you what God has placed in your life.
It is time to trust completely in the Holy Spirit; otherwise, you may be devoured by the wolves. Remember, the sheep always moves forward. Never forget how sheep preach Jesus Christ, heal the sick, free the possessed, and raise the dead.
With God, you always win, you never lose.